The 1997 Gathering was held on Sunday September 14th in Godalming, and was organised by Pat Green, who reports as follows:
Well, the day arrived fine and mild, what a relief – perhaps buying that umbrella the day before did the trick!
That wasn’t the only task carried out in the days preceding – suddenly to find 80 had booked in caused the museum at Godalming to panic – not wanting to make the headlines, that due to the sheer volume of Balchins the museum had collapsed under us, it was hastily decided with the museum staff and John Janaway that the tour would be divided into two. This appeared to work out well.
Back to the Inn on the Lake for lunch, followed by the AGM and then a proper chance to look at the exhibits. In addition there was a marvellous display of old Balchin wills done by Chalky White.
What seemed still to be of most interest to a lot of people was the family tree still on wall-paper and in the region of 45 feet long with plenty more names to be added. It was really pleasing to see people adding more information. Any information to add to the tree will always be gratefully received – please keep it coming in.
My thanks to all those who helped me, with what I feel turned out to be a happy get together.
Pat Green